VALENTINES day is upon us and I am offering a FREE valentines class online.
A little bit about why...
For some individuals, holidays and major celebratory events evoke feelings of loneliness and hopelessness, having lost a loved one to death or a romantic relationship ending, or even for those who have not yet found their 'one'.
Loneliness is especially true for people who live alone and experience isolation.
Whatever it may be, I take no chances underestimating just how severe ones loneliness might feel. With Valentines Day coming up, I know there are people who might feel extra lonely at this time of year.
Let's use this as an opportunity to offer ourselves some self-love and the meaning of sharing love with individuals, making a life worth experiencing.
I keep it causal and hope to facilitate a fun educational experience. I may make a lame joke here and there also ;).
Join, live on ZOOM Wednesday February 14, 2024 at 6pm EST.
**CAVEAT: the audience has yet to declare the winning dish we are going to cook. SO exciting! **
Follow the steps and sign up with your email. I'll connect to all participants to collaborate as a group.
To keep the experience manageable, there will be a 10 online-connections limit for a more intimate and connected experience.
I am looking forward to being your host.
Oh, and don't forget the bubbly ;)
Hope to see you there.
Ciao for now!
- Jay