Welcome and thank you for your interest in expanding your knowledge in cultural diversity through culinary experiences.
At times I will be hosting culinary experiences featuring the food of various diverse groups to help illuminate the customs and traditions held by many of Canada's population. Knowledge, acceptance, and integration of different identities enriches and combines our shared lived community - we cannot ignore the diversity of our communities and with intention we can foster greater community spirit and provide one another with vital connection we all crave and deserve.
Rarely can change be made single handedly. Coming to thrive as a diverse community requires that all people help shift the balance of energy into an experience of acceptance and inclusion to dissolve old ways of divisive thinking patterns. As such, these are inclusive classes that try to help us all become students and teachers in our own right, but with one very unified intention:
That we all begin to realize the beauty and oneness that is humanity.
And, we start this journey with the beauty of cooking.
Please sign up with your email to get notified when free classes become available. If you know people who might be interested, have them add their information also. With your help, reaching the widest audience possible to take advantage of these opportunities is crucial in in our collective education.
I'm honoured to be your host and I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!
Ciao for now.
Be well.